Having won the county final of the 2021-22 Kynoch competition Hayle represented Cornwall in the intercounty final against the Devon team Bideford A, only just missing out on a win by 3 points on oversize gauges.
Simon Catling shooting in the 2019 Bobs final at Bisley
Simon with score sheet after finishing in second place
Terry Curnow (right) collecting his trophy from Geoff Doe after winning his class in the 2019 Bisley Weekend Aggregate
Veterans & Nearly Veterans finalists 2019
Doggies & Moggies finalists 2019

1st Dave Couch Bodmin, 2nd Fred Teagle Truro. John Emmerson Holmans, 4th Jacky Lawrence Hayle, 5th Gren Matta St. Austell

1st Jacky Trewella Hayle, 2nd Alec Gibbs Bodmin, Stuart Williams Looe, 4th Terry Curnow Helston, 5th John Harvey Bodmin

1st Dave Pendrill Truro, 2nd Suzie Alford Liskeard, 3rd Morgan Hurst Helston, 4th Adam Eustice Helston, 5th Mike Jones Bodmin

1st John Ham Truro, Christine Toon Truro, 3rd Mike Schopman Liskeard, 4th Freya Major Helston

1st Pauline Major Liskeard, 2nd Jacky Lawrence Hayle (not in photo), 3rd Mandy Tanner Penzance/St.ives
Doggies & Moggies finalists 2018 L/R are Miss.S. Lucas, Miss.J. Teagle, J. Ham and (rear) M. Hurst
Veterans & Nearly Veterans finalists 2018 L/R are P. Ivey, Mrs.J. Lawrence, Mrs.P. Major, Mrs.J. Hibbitt and T. Curnow
John Emmerson shooting for Cornwall in the 2017 Champion of Champions match at Bisley
John being presented with his Champion of Champions medal by Ken Nash
Terry Kurn after finishing 4th in the 2017 Bobs final at Bisley in very challenging conditions
Phil Hammond collecting his trophy after winning competition 6 in his class at Bisley
Congratulations to Tristan Hammond who’s fourth place in the X class aggregate at the 2017 Scottish meeting earnt him a well deserved place in the England Team. England won the match beating Scotland by three points)
The England Team photo with Tristan second from the right in the back row
A selection of photos from the 2017 county dinner
Some of the members of Looe Club with Jane and Peter at their well attended coaching day held recently. L/R Stuart Williams, Jane Briggs CTSA coach, Nick Timperley, Gary Wills, George Withers Club Treasurer & Team Captain, Dave Soutcott, Pete Parker CTSA Coach and Pete Ivey
Others who attended the coaching day but not in the photo: Steve Powell, Emily Powell, Philip Sharp, Justin Spreckley and John Martin
2017 Charlie finalists in class A.
L/R John Emmerson, Jacky Lawrence, Douglas Kernick, Sue Sutton, & Simon Thorogood,

L/R Roger Thomas, Steph Lenney, Alec Gibbs, Jane Briggs, & Roger Pascoe

L/R Mike Jones, Christine Toon, Kara Wong, Di Renton, & Mike Schopman

Veterans & Nearly Veterans finalists 2017 from L-R are Jacky Lawrence, Gren Matta, Nick Timperley & Linda Hammond. The CTSA Veterans & Nearly Veterans final was held at Helston Rifle Club on 15-01-17 for shooters over 50. They had to shoot five cards, 2 Deliberate, 2 Time Limit & 1 Skirmisher. The winner was Jacky Lawrence with a score of 393, 2nd Linda Hammond 389, 3rd Nick Tinperley 378 and 4th Gren Matta 378
Doggies & Moggies finalists 2017 from L-R are Miss K Wong, J Head, J Elliot, M Hurst & Miss N Baker. The CTSA Doggies & Moggies final held at Helston Rifle Club on 15-01-17 for shooters under 21. They had to shoot five cards, 2 Deliberate, 2 Time Limit & 1 Skirmisher. The winner was J Head with a score of 378, 2nd J Elliot 374, 3rd Miss K Wong 370, 4th M Hurst 363 and 5th Miss N Baker 314
John Emmerson of Holman Rifle Club representing Cornwall in the 2016 Champion of Champions match at Bisley
Not a bad 60 shot group at 50 meters John!
Dave Couch of Bodmin Rifle Club winner of the British Championship Bobs competition for the second year running with an impressive score given the very testing conditions
Dave Couch also won B class of the Bisley Championship Aggregate 2016
Cornwall Juniors 2016 winners of the Chris Burrows Shield
Eight members of the winning Western Counties Bowl team are presented with their medals at the 2016 county dinner by Phil Martin, NSRA Shooting Manager (second left)
Helston club, county winners of the Kynoch competition
Helston were also winners of the Wilkinson Sword competition
Bodmin shooters take aim during a
training day held at the range
Charlie Comp A class finalists 2016

2nd Dave Couch Bodmin 293
3rd Jacky Lawrence Hayle 293
4th John Emmerson Holmans 291
5th Jackie Hibbitt Helston 287
Charlie Comp B class finalists 2016

3rd Sue Sutton Truro 286
4th Roger Thomas Penzance/St.Ives 285
5th Pauline Major Liskeard 281
Charlie Comp C class finalists 2106

2nd Geoff Davis Truro 284
3rd John Harvey Bodmin 283
4th Jonathon Oldcorn Penzance/St.Ives 277
5th Phil Ralph Bodmin 271
Charlie Comp D class finalists 2016

2nd Adam Eustice Helston 276
3rd Donald Richards Liskeard 274
4th Morgan Hurst Helston 268
5th Di Renton Liskeard 261
Charlie Comp Junior finalists 2016

2nd S Lenney Truro 283
3rd Jonathon Oldcorn Penzance/St.Ives 277
Individual Knockout finalists 2016

2nd Steve Lucas Truro 200.2
3rd Bru Wilton Bodmin 200.2
4th John Emmerson Holmans 198.4
5th D. Taylor Truro 196.0
6th Simon Throgood Truro 195.2
7th John Hall Helston 195.0
8th Phil Ralph Bodmin 190.0
Doggies & Moggies finalists 2016

2nd Morgan Hurst Helston 341
Tristan Hammond in action at Bisley in
the Champion of Champions final 2015
Dave Couch of Bodmin Rifle Club (right)
winner of the British Championship Bobs
competition in 2015 being presented with
his trophy by the NSRA CEO Iain Root